Had a very scary night. During my wee lass' 4th birthday party (she was a very happy little girl, by the way) her friend had an allergic reaction to the cashews in the icing of her cupcakes. Obviously no one knew she was allergic to cashews until now. This beautiful little girl and her family are very special to all of us, and are a constant presence in our lives. It was very scary, and all I can say is that I am so grateful that she is okay. She and her parents had a long night at the children's hospital, but all is well and everyone is back home resting.
In addition to the ways in which yesterday (being the 4th anniversary of such a momentous event) had inspired both a trip down memory lane and also that feeling of grace and thanks, last night's event brought it all home once again. Big hugs to that very special family- we love you guys.

Anaphylactic nut reaction: Reflection and thanks
My heart stopped when I read this. SO scary. Thank God everyone is okay!
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