Thanks for hangin' in there through this month. We had a big two week road/cottage trip, and since then it's been just as crazy. We really had fun, saw family and friends and just generally were together. I'm not sure we did much in the way of relaxing, but we did enjoy our time away.
There are a zillion things I could tell you about (including the all-gluten-free bakery and cafe we went to- WHAT A DREAM!) but I'm seriously exhausted. I just wanted to take five minutes to say hello, and thank the faithful that are still stopping by. I am also very excited to say that after over a year of waiting, I think the results of my genetic screen for Celiac are en route. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: if you think you might have a gluten sensitivity, get the stinkin' tests done BEFORE you stop eating gluten. Cuz once it's out of your diet, you no longer have the antibodies to gluten (if you ever had them to begin with!) and at this point, my only option was the genetic screen (at likely a hefty sum - still to be determined) to see if I have the genetic predisposition to developing Celiac. Whew.
So the plan is, once the results are in (DRUMROLL PLEASE!- assuming of course they're negative) I will undergo a VERY strict diet for a week or two, eating nothing out of the ordinary that could produce any gastrointestinal symptoms I might mistake for a reaction. I will eat a few GLORIOUS slices of crusty bread, cross my fingers, and hope for the best. If all goes well for a few weeks, I will do a tiny dance of joy and have a nice glass of beer to celebrate. :) I will never EVER go back to eating the way I did a year ago (enriched wheat flour, etc.) but I will lose that debilitating fear of all potential sources of cross contamination. :) Yippeeee...I'm pretty psyched!
Hope all is well with you guys.
Oh, before I go, I have contributed to a "back to school" e-recipe book with Alisa from One Frugal Foodie. Her recent post about big food business trying to get parents to believe that what they're selling is not only food, but it is a good idea to feed it to their kids. It really rang true for me and I was dying to help out by sharing a few recipes from my blog. I didn't get the chance to come up with anything new for the project, (no time!!), but she was psyched about my sausage recipe and I think she may have used an additional one also...not sure. Whatever she grabbed I was just grateful to help out. I'll let you know once it's ready! Thanks for doing all the work, Alisa. This will certainly help lots of kids- and parents!!
Talk soon,
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