Oh sheer, unadulterated delight. I have once again benefited from the sheer generosity of my mom and her husband who travelled south of the border and returned with an entire case of Redbridge gluten free beer. I cannot begin to describe to you how fantastic it is. It is really, REALLY good. I've previously reviewed a number of beers including La Messagère (terrible), New Grist (beyond terrible), Bard's (good) and now Redbridge- the BEST of the bunch! This beer is so fantastic, it's almost- ALMOST- like regular beer. That means a lot, really. The first two above both left this terrible slimy feeling in my mouth; they were absolutely repulsive. Bards's was good, and if someone handed me a bottle, I'd definitely drink it, but in the end, this beer is not only just a notch above Bard's, but it is also apparently WAY less expensive (so say the parental units). It was apparently 35$ US for the case. Again, I am cursed with not being able to get this beer in Canada (Anheuser-Busch makes it) so I will continue to enjoy my yearly case when the 'rents head south of the border. But hey- it's a treat, and it's well worth it. For my American visitors: you guys are sooooo lucky. :)
Oh, and sorry it's been a scant period of updates lately, I'm doin' my best! I would like to also give a shout out to Kelly at the Spunky Coconut for the FANTASTIC
peach cobbler recipe. I thoroughly enjoyed it for dessert, then for breakfast...then for dessert...then for breakfast again...

Review: Redbridge gluten free beer (and Spunky peach cobbler) ;-)
Haha! I love it! Thanks so much!
:-) Kelly
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