So here's where I'm at: I am registered in two weekly courses- a hip hop dance class Tuesday night, and my usual Zumba class on Fridays. In addition, I've started running. I downloaded a "couch to 5K" app for my iPod and I've completed the first 5 runs of the program. To further inspire myself, I've signed up for my first official race- 5k (I know, a whoooole 5k!) and I'm going to rock it. Even if I have to roll/slither/fall over the finish line.
I am hoping that I can keep the momentum going and really give 'er. I have concerns that if I take a day off I'll start to slack and lose my oomph, but I am pretty committed and my poor hubby is trying to take my new-found enthusiasm in stride (not literally of course, as he's even less of a natural "fittie" than I am).
So this is week two...and I'm making it public to encourage me to avoid future humiliation. :)
You may now shower me with encouragement and really...go ahead...
Or you could just share what active things YOU do to keep fit and happy. Your turn!
that's totally inspiring...way to go!!!
Awwww- thanks Mo!!
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