Parents: don't give up and accept your kids' poor food choices

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I'm sure I've said this before, but I'll say it again: no matter where you're starting from, you can encourage a change in your child's eating habits. Even if you feed your children everything out of a can, bag, or package, even if your children are on a steady diet of hot dogs and chicken fingers, don't think you can't inspire and create change in them.

My little guy has always been a good eater. That kid could barely say "more" (actually it was like "moh! moh!") when he would demand bbq'd vegetables until he was stuffed full. He's always been pretty easy to negotiate with. He understands the concept of balance now too- in order to be allowed to have treats, first, we eat lots of fresh fruit and veggies. THEN we can have treats. My wee lass, on the other hand, has been tougher. For a long time, she just didn't like fruit and veggies. But after years of sticking with it, she is finally turning the corner. As a matter of fact, I was just blending a green smoothie and before I had even instituted my usual trick of adding blueberries to cover up the look of the greens (parsley in this case) she was asking for a taste. Amazing.

In addition to not giving up, and always offering healthy choices -- even if you think they won't eat it -- I have only one additional piece of advice from someone far more eloquent than I:
"Be the change you want to see in the world." 
Mahatma Ghandi

You simply cannot inspire your children to be healthy, eat healthy and care about achieving their own balance, if you are not leading them. "Do what I say, but not what I do" will never work. Eat with them, show them you're committed, and keep trying.

Recently, a Twitter friend asked if anyone had any great successes in inspiring their kids' food choices. I'll ask the same: what healthy food have you encouraged and been successful in getting YOUR kids to eat? No success is too small. It's your turn to pat yourself on the back. Anyone want to share? (recipes also welcome) :)


Unknown said...

My children are all grown up now but somehow they are all on the path to good eating habits. I ask myself if in some way the food their mom prepared them as infants had something to do with it? They were NEVER fed from a store bought jar, instead, every morsel they consummed was the product of loving hands preparing NOTHING but fresh food WITHOUT a single preservative. Good on you mom!

Christy said...

thank you thank you thank you!!!!!! I feel like I am standing alone on this issue when speaking with people around me. It is so nice to hear someone ECHO the very things I say and practice in my life, in their own lives..... thank you!!

Kirsten said...

Wow Christy, thank YOU. Sometimes I feel like I'm in my little corner and I'm the only person here. I really appreciate your thoughts also and for making me feel like I'm not the only one! Thanks also for being part of what inspired me to stop claiming laziness as an excuse and get off my butt! I've never felt better since I started exercising regularly.

And Gordon (a.k.a Dad) you're so cute with your comments. Thanks for your support. xox

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